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People frequently consider therapy and other forms of support for older children and adults' mental health. But did you realize that therapies for mental health can also assist young children?

Infant mental health, or IMH, is often concerned with children 0 – 5 years old. Prenatal services may also be included to help the expecting parent before the baby is born. IMH often involves parents and caregivers alongside the child because young children require someone to keep them safe and encourage their growth. This cooperative approach makes opportunities to jointly support social and emotional developmental needs possible. Young children's therapy is frequently very play-based, and our therapist may advise parents on how to play with and interact with their children to promote good mental health. Our therapist may also have private sessions with the parents to discuss the particular difficulties of raising small children while assisting them in managing their stress.

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Growing attachments and forming relationships with loved ones take place during infancy. This lays the groundwork for later social interactions, stronger coping mechanisms for stressors, and appropriate emotional expression. Meeting the physical requirements of newborn newborns while also adjusting emotionally to this new position may be difficult for parents and other caregivers. As they reflect on who they want to be as parents, it's normal for parents to revisit their childhoods and relationships with their own parents. By reflecting with a therapist, parents can decide consciously how they want to develop relationships and meet their baby's emotional and social needs.



Toddlerhood is a fun period of developing skills and capacities as kids explore their worlds, rely on their caretakers for support, and learn to control often overwhelming emotions. A toddler's constant "No!"s, their insatiable curiosity, and their need to cling to their parent when they're upset can be challenging for parents. Toddlers who receive play-based therapy have the chance to explore new concepts, learn social skills like taking turns, and control strong emotions. For parents, this presents an opportunity to monitor their child's growth, reflect on the significance of their conduct, and create calm, controlled reactions.
























The preschool years are frequently a time of independence, growing closer ties with teachers and peers, and discovering more complex emotions like disappointment and fear. Preschoolers typically prefer stable schedules, clear instructions, and the feeling that they have some control over their lives through learning right and wrong. Preschoolers are learning how to eat and dress themselves as their bodies get more coordinated. They are also learning how to take care of their bodies and use their hands to write and handle little things. Preschoolers may compare themselves to others, note differences in gender or developmental needs, and frequently engage in competition due to their attention on their peers. Preschoolers, however, also like spending time with their peers, so it is typically possible to encourage them to participate in group activities that boost their social skills, capacity to share with others, and ability to regulate their emotions in order to create friendships. Therapy can give preschoolers the chance to learn how to control their emotions, explore letting others lead an activity, express their thoughts and desires via creative play, and reaffirm the roles of their parents and caregivers in setting boundaries and setting expectations. Therapy can be a helpful tool for you and your child whether they are acting out violently, having trouble connecting with peers, being too emotional, or not displaying any feelings at all.



The early years are thrilling because children change so quickly, pick up so much knowledge, and form such significant bonds with their family and friends. Young children are growing quickly, giving the adults in their lives a chance to encourage their social and emotional development and stop more long-lasting or undesirable tendencies. Parents who work with a therapist can discover various strategies for fostering their child's positive mental health while also assisting in the development of positive social and emotional skills. These abilities will help kids throughout their lives, stop bigger issues, and help them lead healthy adult lives.


What to expect:

During the first few sessions, our therapist will meet with the parent individually to get a detailed history of their relationship, observe the parent and child playing together, and complete some questionnaires. We’ll create a narrative for the child about what’s happening in their life and talk about it together. From there a mixture of family and individual parent sessions (to process what is happening with the baby) will be held.


We’ll work together to help you connect using playtime and education, while we explore how your own experiences and relationships affect your bond with your child.


Don’t wait until your child is older. Prevention and early intervention are key.


Email us to schedule support now.

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