The current state of one’s mental health – inclusive of emotions and feelings, the stuff we tend to ignore, has an impact on how we think, feel, and behave. Taking care of our mental health is equally as essential as taking care of our physical health. As a parent, you have a significant impact on your child's mental health:
You may encourage good mental health through your words and actions, as well as the environment you establish at home.
You may also learn about the early warning signs of mental illness and where to get assistance.
What is children's mental health, and why is it important?
The way children think and feel about themselves and the world around them is referred to as their mental health. It has an impact on how youngsters deal with life's difficulties and pressures.
A child's mental health is an essential component of their growth. It assists your little ones in developing good social, emotional, behavioral, cognitive, and communication skills. It also sets the groundwork for future mental health and well-being.
Relationships and Good Mental Health for Children
A positive relationship with you directly and positively affects your child's mental health. One way of working towards the good mental health of your children is respecting their boundaries and learning what works for them by spending time with them. Boundaries are how we protect and care for ourselves. They are the unnoticed guards of our souls, keeping the good in and the bad out.
5 Reasons Why Your Child Desires Boundaries
Why is your kid so fond of setting boundaries? Boundaries help your kid flourish by instilling in them the values of responsibility, safety, accountability, respect, and emotional stability.
Boundaries educate kids that they are solely responsible for their actions.
Allow the repercussions of their decisions to follow them to accomplish this.
Give your kid an edge in life by allowing them to ask for what they want even if they don't understand it.
Allow children to express their displeasure and sorrow whenever possible without rushing in to solve things for them. Frustration and sadness are not "bad" emotions.
However, making children feel terrible will prevent them from expressing themselves which is important as they get older.
If your kid can accept responsibility for their own emotions and needs, they will be able to fulfill those needs as well. They will realize that both their failure and success result from their initiative. Your impulse will be to grab them and rescue them, but 'saving' them will only result in over-dependence on you and a lack of responsibility for themselves. Support them and be there for them and allow them to find their strength and ingenuity.
When children are young, they will show you indications that they are worried or disturbed. The ability to say no from an early age gives individuals control over their voices.
Respecting their decisions is the greatest thing you can do for them. To foster this, react in a manner that demonstrates your support for your kid, even if you disagree with them. Allow your kid the freedom to say no while still showing them your unconditional love and acceptance. Such as hugging a family friend or family member. Being able to support their hesitancy with opening up is allowing them to learn to trust that little voice inside of them while also showing them that you’ll support them. You can even use this as an opener for more conversation at a later time. This will teach kids that it is OK to be yourself and have their personal views or beliefs. Being able to say no within their own families will prepare them to say no to peers or work as they grow older.
Children need a feeling of purpose in their life. When you offer your kid an option, you also give them the ability to make that decision. Even if it's only a simple option of what color dish they want for breakfast, you offer them a feeling of power and control.
Assist them in feeling confident in the choices they are making right now. As kids get older, they will rely on this same self-assurance to make important decisions. Please be patient. Allow your kid to make errors and learn from them as well.
Have you ever been around a kid who can't say "no"? The kid understands that if she presses the correct buttons, one of the parents will most likely answer yes.
Learning that "no" means "no" is a valuable lesson in empathy for others. It is a blessing to be able to perceive things from another person's point of view. Children must understand that their activities have consequences and that they may be harmful. Understanding that "no" means "no" when it comes to that candy can help your kid appreciate the "no" that comes from sticking to a budget, following the rule, and doing the "right" thing.
Emotional Stability
It is difficult for youngsters to make their huge emotions seem smaller. Temper tantrums are the direct consequence of allowing strong emotions to take full control. Conversations with you teach kids how to express their needs as they get older. Learning how to control their emotions may also lead to them being patient in obtaining what they want. They learn how to cool down on their own and how this has a benefit for them in the long run, especially at school. This teaches kids how to set a goal in life and enjoy the pleasure of reaching that objective.
How to Respect Your Children's Boundaries?
Here are six tips for respecting your children's personal space and limits.
Let them choose who they want to hug and kiss.
One of the most frequent ways we violate a child's boundaries is to force them to embrace a relative or a family acquaintance. Uncle Joe may feel like he knows your kid due to the marvels of social media, but to your youngster, Joe is nothing more than a frightening stranger.
When confronted with our children's reluctance, we often urge, saying, "Go ahead, don't be impolite! "Give Uncle Joe a bear hug." This unintentionally encourages our children to disregard their instincts and internal warnings. Respecting their limits may help keep children safe from abuse or exploitation.
Respect your child's right to say "no."
When you educate your children that they have the power of choice over their bodies, they learn to listen to the tiny voice in their heads and will feel and know they are in charge of their limits.
Sometimes kids aren't in the mood to share their feelings or feel uncomfortable doing so. They may dislike having their body hugged by another person. This is fine.
When kids learn that saying "no" to others is appropriate, they gain confidence in their bodies and physical space.
Respect Their Emotions
How many times have you urged your children to "stop weeping" or that they have "no cause to be upset"? Although it may seem to be a normal reaction while having a meltdown, it teaches children that unpleasant feelings such as anger, sorrow, and fear are not appropriate or should only be expressed in specific situations.
Instead, attempt to put their feelings into words to affirm them. You might remark, "I realize that cutting your bread into squares rather than a heart form is extremely distressing." Can you eat it like this today, and I'll bake you heart-shaped bread tomorrow?" It is not always easy to deal with your child's tantrums gently (particularly if they occur in public!) but doing so shows them that you appreciate their entire spectrum of emotions.
Let them arrive at a social gathering at their own convenience.
If your kid needs time to evaluate a social setting before being ready to participate, appreciate and support them. Instead of pushing them to greet everyone as soon as you arrive at a birthday celebration, take them to a quiet area and talk about the décor, activities, and food you can see. They'll participate in the fun after they've become used to it.
You should also refrain from informing other partygoers that your kid is "shy" or "needs time to warm up." If your kid overhears you, they may become humiliated or absorb the labels.
Remember to respect their privacy.
Do not spy into your child's room, journal, or phone unless you have a definite cause to be concerned about their safety. If your kid is usually responsible and dependable, violating their privacy without a compelling reason conveys that you don't trust them and may encourage them to become more secretive.
Similarly, don't discuss your child's personal life on social media or with extended relatives and friends. It is not only humiliating for them, but it is also likely to discourage them from sharing their secrets and emotions with you in the future. Earn your child's trust by demonstrating that you are an impenetrable fortress when it comes to their private matters.
Key Takeaways
Accept your child's emotions, even if they are uncomfortable for you!
Encourage your kid to be as angry as they want, but make sure they understand that they cannot strike someone else when they are angry.
Praise them for a job well done and assist them in selecting their reward as a result of managing their major emotions.
It may not be easy to teach your kid how to establish limits and respect the boundaries of others. Give your kid an edge in life by teaching them how to recognize and fulfill their own needs. You are the greatest role model for your kid. Your firm and obvious limits will educate your kid on how to do the same for themselves.
Remember, to be who you needed when you were a child.